EMS Prize for Jacek Jendrej and Adam Kanigowski

We are pleased to inform that two young Polish mathematicians, Professors Jacek Jendrej and Adam Kanigowski, have been awarded by the European Mathematical Society (EMS) during the IX European Congress of Mathematics held in Seville.
Both laureates are connected with the Juliusz Schauder Center and Toruń. Jacek Jendrej is a member of the Editorial Board of our journal TMNA and a recipient of the first J. P. Schauder Prize for young mathematicians. Adam Kanigowski completed his individual studies and wrote his master's thesis under supervision of prof. Wojciech Kryszewski at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and he obtained his Ph.D. at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN); his supervisor was Prof. Mariusz Lemańczyk.
Since 1992, the European Mathematical Society has been awarding prizes for outstanding contributions to mathematical research. These prizes can be awarded to scientists who were no older than 35 at the time nominations began a year earlier.
The EMS Prize was awarded to Jacek Jendrej for his work on the soliton resolution conjecture and the problem of two-soliton collision for certain types of wave maps. Jacek Jendrej is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw (MIMUW) and currently works at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. His research interests focus on partial differential equations. He has published in numerous scientific journals, including "Analysis & PDE," "American Journal of Mathematics," "Duke Mathematical Journal," and "Inventiones Mathematicae." Among the awards Jacek Jendrej has received so far are the Prix Claude-Antoine Peccot, the aforementioned J. P. Schauder Prize, and the prestigious ERC Starting Grant.
By awarding Adam Kanigowski, the EMS recognized his outstanding contribution to the spectral classification and mixing properties of slowly chaotic dynamical systems. In his research, Adam Kanigowski deals with dynamical systems and ergodic theory, as well as the interaction of these fields with number theory, geometry, and probability theory.  He is a laureate of the Polish Mathematical Society Award for Young Mathematicians, the International Stefan Banach Prize, the Kazimierz Kuratowski Award, and the IM PAN Award for outstanding scientific achievements in mathematics.

Tobias Weth - New Editor-in-Chief of TMNA

We would like to inform you of a recent change in editorial leadership of TMNA. Professor Jean Mawhin, who previously served as Editor-in-Chief, has resigned from the position. It is challenging to express our gratitude to Professor Mawhin for his many years of dedication and significant contributions to TMNA. We are convinced that thanks to Professor Mawhin, the past 20 years have been a prosperous time for our journal.

We are pleased to announce that Professor Tobias Weth from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, has accepted the role of the new Editor-in-Chief of TMNA. His research interests and substantial scientific contributions include linear and nonlinear PDE, variational, topological, and geometric methods in nonlinear analysis, nonlocal operators and associated boundary value problems, local and nonlocal geometric variational problems, symmetry, and symmetry breaking of solutions to nonlinear boundary value problems.

We appreciate Professor Mawhin's contributions and welcome Professor Weth to the new role of Editor-in-Chief of our journal. We look forward to continued success under his guidance.

Winners of the second edition of the Schauder Prize competition

In the second edition of the competition for the Juliusz Schauder Prize for young mathematicians the Prize has been awrded to Bartosz Bieganowski (Warsaw University, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) for achievements in studying variational methods and their applications to semilinear partial differential equations. Moreover, two distinctions have also been awarded: to Wojciech Górny (Universität Wien) and to Jakub Skrzeczkowski (Warsaw University). More information may be found at the Schauder Prize website.

Pre-registration to SNA2024 is open

We kindly announce that pre-registration for the VIII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis is open. Please spread the word about the symposium to your mathematician friends.

Session dedicated to Prof. Tadeusz Nadzieja

Two years have passed since the death of Prof. Tadeusz Nadzieja, a long-time collaborator of the J. P. Schauder Center for Nonlinear Research.

On behalf of the Organizers and the Center, we would like to inform that the Director of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Wrocław and the President of the Wroclaw Branch of the Polish Mathematical Society

have the honor to invite to the
PTM session dedicated to the memory of Tadeusz Nadzieja

which will be held on May 19, 2023 in Wroclaw, Poland,
in the HS hall of the Institute of Mathematics UWr, pl. Grunwaldzki 2,
at 17:00;

The organizers ask to meet at 4:15 pm in front of the HS hall.

During the PTM meeting, there will be an opportunity for participants to share their scientific (and not only scientific) memories as well as other materials (photographs,...) about Prof. Tadeusz Nadzieja.

VIII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis

We cordially invite you to the VIII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis, which will be held on June 17-21, 2024 in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. It will be combined with the Juliusz Schauder Medal and the Juliusz Schauder Prize Awarding Ceremonies. For more information see the symposium website.

Schauder Winter School 2023

The Center organizes the Schauder Winter School on Geometric and Topological Methods in Dynamics of PDEs, February 13-15, 2023. It will be held at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, ul. Chopina 12/18, Toruń, Poland.

More information may be found here.

TMNA calls for papers

The special issue of Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis will be dedicated to the memory of  Professor Kazimierz Goebel, an outstanding scientist, teacher of generations of mathematicians in Poland and around the world, a former Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Schauder Center and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis journal, a person of great merit to our community.

Professor Goebel has profoundly contributed to the metric fixed point theory and geometry of Banach spaces. His co-author book with W. A. Kirk, Topics in metric fixed point theory, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 28. Cambridge University Press (1990), is a staple and much cited monography in the subject.

The issue will be co-edited by the special guest-editors Stanisław Prus and Łukasz Piasecki, who invite submissions of original research papers. Submissions will be considered via a peer review process.

J. P. Schauder Prize -2nd edition has started

The second edition of the Juliusz Schauder Prize competition for young mathematicians has been announced. For more details see here.

The competition purpose is to promote achievements of the Polish science in the field of nonlinear analysis and to support young researchers in this field.

5th edition of the J. P. Schauder Medal Competition

The 5th edition of the J. P. Schauder's Medal Competition has started. Here one can find details.

Kazimierz Goebel passed away

We are deeply saddened by the news that Kazimierz Goebel a longtime member and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Center passed away on 21 July 2022. He was an excellent mathematician, specialist in the Metric Fixed Point Theory, and a member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis.

Conference: Topics in variational problems arising from models in physics

We are pleased to announce the conference Topics in variational problems arising from models in physics (24.07.2022 - 29.07.2022) which will be held in Będlewo, and which was postponed from 06-11.06.2021.

The conference had been originally planned as a joint event with the Juliusz Schauder Medal Awarding Ceremony in June 2021 due to prof. Susanna Terracini, one of the organizers of the conference, who awarded the Medal.

Please find details of the conference at its website.

100 points for TMNA

The journal Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis published by the Center has obtained 100 points at the Ministry of Education and Science list of scored journals.

Webinar related to the Juliusz Schauder Medal Awarding Ceremony

We invite all participants to the webinar, related to the Ceremony, devoted to the presentation of the scientific achievements of the colleagues awarded in the J. P. Schauder Prize competition for young mathematicians.

The webinar will be held online on June 18, 2021, from 12:00 to 15:00. During the event, the three Awardees: Maciej Starostka, Wojciech Górny, and Marcin Sroka who received the distinctions in the competition will deliver their talks.


Maciej Starostka 12:15 - 13:00;

Wojciech Górny 13:15 - 14:00;

Marcin Sroka 14:15 - 15:00.


To participate in the event please register using  the link:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VVnqZ1ybk0ao-ZYPKjtJuzGZNa0ChCVPiDihqZaFfulUQkk2UUtGMVlBQVc1TjQ2Vjg2Q00wN1AyViQlQCN0PWcu


The direct link to the webinar room will be sent up to 30 minutes prior to the event on June 18, 2021.

Juliusz Schauder Medal Awarding Ceremony

The Juliusz Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies invites to take part in the Juliusz Schauder Medal Awarding Ceremony, which will be held on 5 June 2021 online. To participate in the event, please fill the registration form.

During the ceremony the J. P. Schauder Medal will be awarded to

Professor Susanna Terracini

from the University of Torino, Italy

in recognition of her outstanding development of variational methods and contributions to dynamics of differential equations, in particular for n-body problems, nonlinear reaction diffusion equations as well as Schrödinger systems.

Moreover, the Juliusz Schauder Prize for young mathematicians will be awarded to

Jacek Jendrej

(CNRS and LAGA, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

as well as additional distinctions in the competition:

  • for Maciej Starostka (Gdańsk University of Technology) – First Distinction,
  • for Wojciech Górny (Warsaw University) and Marcin Sroka (Jagiellonian University) – Second Distinction.

Tadeusz Nadzieja passed away

We are deeply saddened by the news that Tadeusz Nadzieja, a longtime member of the Scientific Council of the Center passed away on 24 April 2021. He was an excellent mathematician, specialist in PDEs, coauthor of the 4th volume of the Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis series.

TMNA is compliant with Plan S

The journal Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis published by the J. P. Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies is compliant with Plan S, an initiative for Open Access publishing which is supported by international cOAlition S. In consequence, articles published in TMNA as results of research projects can be funded by cOAlition S members’ grants. Details about the Publisher Policy can be found here.

Decicion in the first edition of the J. P. Schauder Prize for young mathematicians

The jury of the first edition of the competition for the Juliusz Schauder Prize for young mathematicians decided to award the Prize to

Jacek Jendrej

(CNRS and LAGA, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

for his contributions in the study of dynamics of nonlinear partial differential equations.

Taking into account the very high level of submitted applications, the jury together with the Director of the Center decided to establish additional distinctions in the competition:

  • For Maciej Starostka (Gdańsk University of Technology) – First Distinction,
  • For Wojciech Górny (Warsaw University) and Marcin Sroka (Jagiellonian University) – Second Distinction.

The Prize and distinctions are planned to be handed over during a joint ceremony with the awarding of the J. P. Schauder Medal on June 5, 2021.

Juliusz P. Schauder in Panteon Narodowy

A biographical note by Wojciech Kryszewski about Juliusz P. Schauder has appeared on the Panteon Narodowy website. We encourage everyone to read it. More articles about J. Schauder can be found here.

J. P. Schauder Prize -1st edition

The Juliusz Schauder Prize competition for young mathematicians has been organized by the Center, and the first edition has been announced. For more details see here.

The competition purpose is to promote the achievements of Polish science in the field of nonlinear analysis and to support young researchers in this field.

The 4th edition of the competition has been settled

The jury of the J. P. Schauder Medal competition unanimously decided to award the 2020 Juliusz Schauder Medal to

Professor Susanna Terracini

from the University of Torino, Italy

in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the theory of nonlinear analysis, differential equations and applications.

One month open access to last articles


Dear Mathematicians!

In this difficult time of the Coronavirus pandemic we are pleased to inform you that the new issues of Topological Methods In Nonlinear Analysis (54 (2A) and 54(2B)) and online-first published articles are open in full access for two months (till May 25, 2020). We hope this offer is of some help for all of you who have to work home.

We were not able to send the last issue (in a paper form) to subscribers because of the suspension of air connections. We shall do it as soon as possible.


Louis Nirenberg passed away

We have deeply regretted the news that Louis Nirenberg, the Abel Prize winner (in 2015) and a longtime member of the Editorial Committee of our journal Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis passed away on 26 January 2020, aged 94. He collaborated with the J. P. Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies from the very beginning of the journal in 1993. To learn more about the life and achievements of Louis Nirenberg one could read the obituary article in Nature, on 17 February 2020.

4th edition of the J. P. Schauder Medal Competition

The 4th edition of the J. P. Schauder's Medal Competition has started. Here one can find details.